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Saturday, August 18, 2012

reduce, reuse, recycle

Consumer product companies are always selling us a new bill of goods. The latest is that we can shop our way to a healthier planet. Over the years, they've also told us that cool cars would make us free and diet soda would make us popular. But there are some things money -- and advertising -- can't buy, and a clean environment is one of them. 3Rs on the brain
The hard fact is that global warming, deforestation and other earthly ills cannot be solved by switching brands.
It takes resources to manufacture and transport all products, even those made from recycled content. At the very least, energy is spent. And spending resources leaves the world poorer, not better off.
So do what you will if you are itching for something new -- there are no environmental police here -- but don't kid yourself. Buying nothing is better for the earth than buying green.
There are exceptions, of course. If your current car or appliance is a terrible energy-waster, you may save resources in the long term by replacing it with an energy-efficient model. And it's better for your own health and your family's to replace products that could leach toxins, such as PVC baby toys.
More often, though, it is greener to follow the old dictum: reduce, reuse, recycle. I know you've heard it a thousand times before, but with the "green" word now co-opted in the service of sales, the three R's are a phrase -- and a principle -- worth reviving.
R for ReduceReduce. "Reduce" means using fewer resources in the first place. This is the most effective of the three R's and the place to begin. It is also, I think, the hardest because it requires letting go of some very American notions, including: the bigger the better, new trumps old and convenience is next to godliness.
But you don't need to let go completely or all at once. "Reduce" is a comparative word. It says: cut back from where you are now.
When you shop, shop differently. Look for things that will last -- things that are not just durable and well-made, but useful and beautiful enough to please you for a long time. The extra money you spend on their acquisition will be offset by the money you do not spend replacing them.
Don't chase the latest fashions. They will age the fastest.
With electronics, extravagance may pay. A super-charged computer will still run the software that comes out two years from now, and a large monitor will accommodate the ever wider webpages that companies will be building then. Similarly, a cell phone with a full text keypad (or the iPhone) will see you through the text-messaging era that is upon us.
When you make a purchase, find out how to keep the item in shape. Then, maintain it accordingly and repair it when necessary.
In addition, try these ways of reducing your use (and abuse) of resources:
  • Buy products made from post-consumer recycled materials, especially paper and bathroom tissue.
  • Choose electronics and appliances that are energy-efficient. Ditto for cars, which you can also share.
  • Buy stuff made close to home. Less energy was used transporting them to the store.
  • Buy used. craigslist and eBay make it easy.
  • Avoid goods made with materials whose extraction or processing are especially destructive, such as tropical woods and most gold jewelry.
  • Avoid overly packaged goods. The packaging is a total throw-away.
  • Avoid things made with toxic materials, such as most household cleansers.
  • Cut back on water use at home.
  • Waste less energy on lights and equipment.
  • Eat less meat.
R for ReuseReuse. Before you recycle or dispose of anything, consider whether it has life left in it. A jam jar can store leftovers. Food scraps can become compost. An old shirt can become a pajama top. An opened envelope can become a shopping list. A magazine can be shared. DVDs can be traded. A dishwasher can be repaired. A computer can be upgraded. A car can be resold. A cell phone can be donated. Returnable bottles can be, well... returned.
Reusing keeps new resources from being used for a while longer, and old resources from entering the waste stream. It's as important as it is unglamorous. Think about how you can do it more.
R for RecycleRecycle. Recycling is the "R" that has caught on the best. Partly, this is because there are so many curbside recycling programs today (8,660 as of 2006, according to the EPA), which makes recycling so darned easy. What keeps it from being a total piece of cake is the rules. Every municipality has its own, and they are not always as straightforward as they could be.
For example, towns are usually particular about the plastics they accept for recycling. Most only take packaging made from #1 (PET or PETE) and #2 (HDPE) resins. You need to look at the bottom of the package for the chasing arrow symbol and check that the number is right. Some towns are even more restrictive. New York City, for instance, accepts #2 containers with necks, but not wide mouths because the two are formed differently and have different melting points. The wrong kind of plastic can "contaminate" the whole batch, rendering it garbage as far as the company with the recycling contract is concerned.
So though it's a pain, try to learn what the recycling rules are in your own community and follow them whether they make obvious sense or not. It's the easiest way to do your part.
As to shopping for green products, by all means do -- when you really need the thing you're shopping for.
—Sheryl Eisenberg

The three "R's" are something you need to remember when it comes to environmental services. As well, it is important to understand how improper waste disposal impacts our planet. No, it is not "reading, 'riting, and 'rithmatic." It actually is reduce reuse recycle and all three are valuable parts to the bigger solution, which begins at home with you.
Once you know the ways to recycle reuse reduce, you will be able do your part to help keep landfills free of recyclable materials and other waste products that could be put to better use.
The first "R" in the three refers to reducing. This means to reduce the amount of garbage you generate. Try to buy items that are going to last longer so you do not have to buy them as often. Sure, there will be some items that do not have a long shelf life but you can still try to find those items that do. Some packaging contains harsher chemicals than others. It may cost you a dollar or two more but try to go with items that have less packaging.
In the quest for reduce reuse recycle; reusing is next on the agenda. Try to reuse as many products as possible in your own household. Plastic milk jugs make great pitchers for tea and water. They can also be used as plant holders once you decorate them a bit. On a municipal level, reusing also occurs when recyclables are turned into different products, such as asphalt for paving roads or new notebooks.
The final "R" relates to recycling. This means utilizing a recycling program from your sanitation department or local environmental services. You can ask them what materials are accepted locally and then get the appropriate recycling containers into which you can place that material for pick-up. Plastics go into one container. Paper goes into another container and glass goes into a separate container. Then all three, along with garbage that cannot be recycled, is picked up by your local sanitation or recycling program. As well, you can recycle your food waste products by starting a compost heap.
Just remember to "reduce reuse recycle" and you will be doing your part, not just for yourself but for future generations. It is remarkably easy to get started and once you have mastered the basics you will be a recycling guru. If you need help getting started or just want more information, then visit the Environmental Protection Agency's website at www.epa.org.

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